Val Petrich

Yoga Instructor

Val is the Founder of the Yoga Studios and The Yoga Studio College of Canada (1996).

Valery took her first yoga class in 1975 with Friedel Khattab who encouraged her to teach. She studied with the Iyengar family in India in 1983 and 1985. She was the Canadian representative of the Unity in Yoga Int'l conferences which birthed the Yoga Journal conferences. A studio owner for many years, she hosted many beloved international teachers. Valery devotes her time to teachers, mentoring a network of over 1000 alumni across Canada through the Yoga Studio College of Canada. Certified by BKS Iyengar, Himalayan Tradition Initiate, Psychosynthesis Certifed.

As a senior teacher, she has found that when yoga is ‘customized’ to a person’s needs, they will flourish and receive optimum health. She mentors teachers, trainees and entrepreneurs to empower themselves through a dedicated practice, a curious mind and a fearless approach to learning.
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